Sunday, September 10, 2006


The unpacking is slowly progressing. Our moving van came a few days early, so we spent yesterday unpacking boxes and assembling furniture. I discovered one plus to living here; being so close to California, the nectarines are the size of softballs!


Anonymous said...

Looks pretty nice....I'm sure after you actually have time to unpack it will look even better. Hope you have fun in Salt Lake City! (And, we'll miss you in beantown next weekend. We had lobster this weekend at the Cape and thought of you!)

shelfsitter said...

wall to wall carpeting!

shelfsitter said...

the first photo reminds me of a rene magritte!

l art de vivre

(i knew my degree was worth something!)

mel-l said...

where's the plant shelf??

Andrea! said...

that first photo looks GIANT. as in - james and the giant peach, giant.