Sunday, July 19, 2009


trapped!, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

one project always leads to another; this is how we sometimes feel after a long day.

dumpster day

dumpster day, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

this thing was in our driveway for a week (we overestimated the amount we needed to get rid of). luckly someone took the old washer and dryer, so we didn't have to try and get them in.

new floor

new floor, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

worst decision ever - let's install the wood floors ourselves! it's an experience i suppose; first and last.

everything white

everything white, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

everything white

everything white, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

no colors in this house. i'm trying something new.

notice anything missing?

the dead tree is gone! (and stump ground out)