Saturday, August 01, 2009


desk, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

behind the sofa, so i can blog and watch the food network at the same time.

front window

front window, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

ice box

ice box, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

this is where my cookbooks live.

hardy boys

hardy boys, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

nancy drew

nancy drew, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

nancy and the hardy boys each have their own built in bookcase.

dining room

dining room, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

living room

living room, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

antique moroccon rug!

painting done, furniture in progress

entry to living room, originally uploaded by matthew.addonizio.

i finished painting today, so we started to put up artwork and move furniture into place.